You can use this colorful Bagua Grid Map with Your Purchase TODAY!
This Bagua is extremely unique and honors all schools of Feng Shui on ONE EASY SIMPLE TO USE PAGE. Have you ever been confused by the different approaches of the Bagua? This Bagua will make all applications easy to understand and any person studying Feng Shui will find this Bagua tool indispensable when assessing a space. The Bagua is a Feng Shui map used to enhance the conditions of money, love and health in your life, just to name a few. Purchase this inexpensive Bagua and then just simply place this one page Bagua grid map over the layout of your home, office, desk or plot of land and simply apply the tips provided.
The Bagua divides any space into nine areas. Each area corresponds to different aspects of your life. These nine areas of life are divided into such categories as: future & fame, relationships, love & marriage, children & creativity, helpful people & travel, career & self, wisdom & knowledge, family & desendants, health & unity, and wealth, prosperity, self cultivation & blessings. Whatever you find that is going on energetically (good or bad) in that part of your space affects that aspect of your life.
This Bagua grid page can be placed over a plot of land, an entire building, room by room , or even a desk to show where there maybe negative or missing spaces. This will help to determine what may need rectifying or enhancing in your life and the environment itself.
For example, if the Bagua is placed over the entire floor plan and it shows the toilet, laundry, or kitchen in the wealth area it would be considered that the money coming into that particular environment may disappear very fast, as if to symbolize money going down the drain. Flowing water symbolizes money. Many people would find this undesirable and want to correct this area with a Feng Shui solution.
This Bagua will provide you with detailed directions and colors you can apply to your home or office TODAY. This product gives you specific tips for each area so you can start enhancing the areas of the Bagua that are important to you. It lists the certain elements that can be added to help boost your luck and good fortune.
Click here to view sample box of the career area
Click here to view sample box of the love area
Click here to view sample box of the wealth area
BUY NOW for only $4.99 and start experiencing the positive changes! You will be able to print and use this informative colorful one page Bagua grid map to print out as needed for use in a downloadable pdf file.